Thursday, April 26, 2012

Superhero Graphics!

At my internship I was put in charge of creating all of the graphics for the department's booth at the Sourcing Expo 2012 on campus. The theme for our booth was superhero. I created posters, matching brochures, and life size cutouts of Wonder Woman and Superman. Originally we intended to blow up a photograph of Superman for the cutout, but were unable to get permission to use a photo so we decided to create an illustration. I saw the whole project from start to finish. Our booth won 1st place for creativity. People had their pictures taken as Superman and Wonder Woman (I took the pictures too!) and chewed Bazooka bubblegum. After the Expo I emailed the pictures to the people who had stopped by our booth. It was a ton of fun!

Poster Design

Wonder Woman Cutout
Superman Cutout
Close Up of Wonder Woman (ignore spots where glitter fell off!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Be a child

I love this quote. When I was five years old I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. I was so full of creativity back then. I wish I could be as creative as the five year old me.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kissing in the rain

I love this photograph. I wonder if the couple is saying goodbye, hello, or just kissing because it's raining. I like the bright colors of their suitcases. It's interesting that they are both holding luggage. Somehow the photo seems happy, even though it's gloomy and rainy. My guess is that they are going or coming back from some sort of trip together. Tyler has kissed me in the rain before. We are definitely the kind of people that are happy to randomly frolic :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

You are so beautiful

I found this quote on (an awesome inspirational, motivational blog!). I wanted to re-post it because it's so true. This is the philosophy I try so hard to live by. So if you're feeling down or low on confidence, don't. "You are so beautiful. And you can be anything. You can be everything."