Monday, July 25, 2011

Borders you have been loved

For as long as I can remember, I loved going to Borders.  When I was a child my mother took my brother and I to the bookstore and always let us pick out a couple of books.  We were never spoiled with fancy toys, but our parents never said no to books.  During high school I have fond memories of buying the next Harry Potter book at Borders.  I remember waiting in line for the seventh book until nearly 2:30 am.  It was completely worth it of course.  Now that I'm in college, I love to spend time browsing through the bookstore and sipping a hot cup of Seattle's Best in the cafe area.  However, soon I will need to find another bookstore to enjoy.  Sadly, my beloved Borders is going out of business.

It feels like the end of my childhood.  Somehow in my brain I relate the end of Borders to the end of Harry Potter.  Maybe it's because my fondest memories of Harry Potter include the Great Snape Debate and waiting in line until 2:30 am with friends.  I remember a kid dressed as Harry Potter running through the store chasing a kid dressed as Voldemort.  Like Harry Potter was a part of my childhood, so was Borders.

I understand the appeal of a Kindle or a Nook, honestly I do, but it is sad that Borders must die.  I will miss the smell of the newly bound books and happily browsing through the bargain section. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

High Noon

Lately I've been seeing a lot of movies.  This summer I am taking a class called Film and the Fine Arts.  I've finally seen Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Chicago, and quite a few others.  Recently we watched a famous western called "High Noon."  Although westerns aren't usually my cup of tea, I enjoyed this one.  The reason I really liked the movie was that the hero was the woman in the story.  Without the woman, played by Grace Kelly, Mr. Kane would have died.  Although the movie takes place in the 1800's and was made in 1952, the woman ended up being a strong character. 
Mr. and Mrs. Kane (Copyright 1952 Universal Pictures)