Monday, July 25, 2011

Borders you have been loved

For as long as I can remember, I loved going to Borders.  When I was a child my mother took my brother and I to the bookstore and always let us pick out a couple of books.  We were never spoiled with fancy toys, but our parents never said no to books.  During high school I have fond memories of buying the next Harry Potter book at Borders.  I remember waiting in line for the seventh book until nearly 2:30 am.  It was completely worth it of course.  Now that I'm in college, I love to spend time browsing through the bookstore and sipping a hot cup of Seattle's Best in the cafe area.  However, soon I will need to find another bookstore to enjoy.  Sadly, my beloved Borders is going out of business.

It feels like the end of my childhood.  Somehow in my brain I relate the end of Borders to the end of Harry Potter.  Maybe it's because my fondest memories of Harry Potter include the Great Snape Debate and waiting in line until 2:30 am with friends.  I remember a kid dressed as Harry Potter running through the store chasing a kid dressed as Voldemort.  Like Harry Potter was a part of my childhood, so was Borders.

I understand the appeal of a Kindle or a Nook, honestly I do, but it is sad that Borders must die.  I will miss the smell of the newly bound books and happily browsing through the bargain section. 

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