Monday, August 1, 2011

A Lovely Thursday

I had a lovely evening to myself a couple of weeks ago.  It consisted of making dinner, drinking white wine, making greeting cards, and watching Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time!  I know, I know, how could I have never seen it before? I've come to the conclusion that A) I spent too much time at band practice during my younger years and B) spent too much time in my room reading books while the rest of my family watched movies.

Anyways I ended up loving Breakfast at Tiffany's.  For some reason I had thought it was a lot older of a movie than it is.  I had always put it in the same category of Casablanca.  I was however, pleasantly surprised that the movie is simply a chick flick.  Girl is living slightly unsatisfying life.  Girl meets new boy.  Boy falls in love with girl.  Girl has issues from past and almost gives up boy.  Girl realizes she wants boy and the two live happily ever after.  That's pretty much how the movie went.  Very enjoyable. 

My delicious pasta dinner
Birthday card I made

I made some berry muffins...yum

Another card I made...I am currently obsessed with hot air balloons

The movie I finally watched and loved

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