Sunday, June 26, 2011

Artistic Evening

Last night I had a much needed evening to myself.  I painted, took photos, and enjoyed a nice cup of hot tea.  I have been working on my painting for quite some time.  It is about how after death we return to life through nature.  We decompose in the ground and provide nourishment to plants.  In this way, we never truly die or leave the earth.  I find such comfort in this because I am able to look out at the beauty in nature and know that so many people are alive in it. 

I also started another project.  I want to make a short stop motion video.  The video is going to be about a boy and girl who meet, fall in love, and fly away together in a hot air balloon.  The balloon is symbolic because love lifts a person up.

Here are a few pictures from last night:

Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is my first blog that I've started completely for fun! I have two Wordpress blogs is a photography blog and the other was for a journalism class am just finishing up.  Although I like Wordpress, all of the blogs I've wanted to follow are on blogspot.  So I though I'd give it a shot and see how I like it! I chose the title "Lovely Whims" because I love all of the small things in life.  Clouds drifting by on a summer day, a purring cat, tulips coming through the ground in spring time, a blank canvas and a palette full of paint, curling up with a good book and a steaming cup of hot coco...the list could go on and on. 

I know I want to do something artistic with my life, but I'm not sure what yet.  I experiment with photography and design a lot.  I have taken quite a few senior portraits and I love it!  I love being creative and I love being inspired by other creative people. Hope you all enjoy my blog!

<3 Scarlett