Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is my first blog that I've started completely for fun! I have two Wordpress blogs is a photography blog and the other was for a journalism class am just finishing up.  Although I like Wordpress, all of the blogs I've wanted to follow are on blogspot.  So I though I'd give it a shot and see how I like it! I chose the title "Lovely Whims" because I love all of the small things in life.  Clouds drifting by on a summer day, a purring cat, tulips coming through the ground in spring time, a blank canvas and a palette full of paint, curling up with a good book and a steaming cup of hot coco...the list could go on and on. 

I know I want to do something artistic with my life, but I'm not sure what yet.  I experiment with photography and design a lot.  I have taken quite a few senior portraits and I love it!  I love being creative and I love being inspired by other creative people. Hope you all enjoy my blog!

<3 Scarlett

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